We just got back from a quick trip to Jasper, Alberta, Canada. The kids had never been and it has been years since my husband and I had been there, so it was time to visit. Also, there is a quilt shop there, so how could I say no?!
On the way up to Jasper, we visited the Columbia Icefield, where it actually was snowing - on July 2! It certainly makes you realize how small we really are on this earth when you see this huge glacier and the geography that it has carved out. There are plaques indicating where the glacier was in different years, so you get an idea as to how much it has receded. The picture at the left gives you an idea of the immensity of the glacier (I'm in the red jacket). You can also take tours and walks on the glacier, but I didn't want to fall down a crevasse, so I passed on that one! Last time I was there we did take a snow cat up onto the glacier and were able to get out and walk around. I remember that it was very cold and slippery - like walking on a wet ice cube!

After our fill of the glacier, we got back in the car and then stopped at Athabasca Falls. Beautiful scenery and warmer than on the glacier. I was impressed by the walkways that had been put there - I can't imagine how much work that must have been. Again, you can see how the forces of nature have carved out the landscape.
From here it was on to Jasper, where we stayed at the Mt. Robson Inn. A suite with a separate room with bunk beds and a PS3 for the kids - heaven! There were even two separate and complete bathrooms with a frig and microwave. Everyone was happy. While wandering around downtown Jasper, I managed to find Stychen Tyme Quilt & Yarn Shop. It's both a quilting and yarn store, so a bought a little of both! Isn't it funny how you always manage to find something new in every shop you visit? The husband and kids managed to find an ice cream shop so they whiled away a bit of time while I completed my shopping.
The next day it was up the Jasper Tramway to the top of Whistlers Mountain where you have a panoramic view of six mountain ranges, the Athabasca and Miette rivers and Jasper itself. We saw a mountain goat and a pika while there as well as wildflowers and snow. Luckily we went up early enough that it wasn't very crowded; I can't say the same for the crowd at the bottom when we came down.
Now it was time to head back to Calgary and home. I've already thought up some projects for the fabric that I bought on our trip. Now, I wonder if they have a quilt shop in the south part of the province...