
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Do You Need a Little Help with That?

Hi everyone:

I've been spending quite a bit of time in my studio lately, mostly working on my computer. I do take breaks every so often to do some actual quilting, but I typically have my head down completely immersed in Photoshop, Illustrator or Blogger (like now!). It can get rather lonely by myself downstairs, so I'm glad that my furry assistants like to be with me in my studio to keep me company. 
Teeka sometimes prefers to be in the project bin

While Teeka is content to sleep quietly on my cutting table or sewing machine cabinet (everything is covered with sheets to keep the fur off my tools), Charlie insists on more attention. How can you resist those gorgeous green eyes?

Can you see me? I need some attention.
Still not aware that I'm here? Meow!

Hey, I need someone to play with. That means you!
See what happens when you don't pay attention to me!
I guess I need to take more breaks to pay attention to Charlie. I hate to think what he might do to my stash if he's feeling neglected!

Do you have purry assistants who like to "help" you with your quilting? I'd love to hear about them.


  1. Such beautiful cats! I also have 2... My older cat usually strolls through to check up on things, hop up for some lap time and move on. My kitten is like most kittens - relentless with finding new toys that aren't toys! Then she finds a quilt or a pile of fabric to nap on.

  2. Love your kitties! Yes I do have sweet Elly to help me. She's a sweetie and needs lots of attention.

  3. Kim
    Looking at the photo of Tikka I did a double take she is the spitting image of our Mayling who is now nearly 19 and senile.
    Nova Scotia


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