
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy Holidays 2013 - 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, everyone!

Floral arrangement sent by my parents
I hope you all had a great Christmas and a wonderful start to the New Year.
Teeka & Charlie enjoying Christmas with me
I was frantically finishing up several Christmas gifts this year and partying before the Big Day. For some reason I was running late on not only completing my gifts, but on doing my Christmas baking. Yikes, this never happens in my house! But don't worry, everything was finished in time and I was able to sit back and enjoy the baking and the many chocolates that I received as gifts. I also received a new toy for Christmas and I'll tell you about it in a future post - once I've figured it out (right now it's getting the better of me, but I'm sure that this situation will soon be rectified - may need a bit more chocolate to accomplish this!). 
Table runner detail - a gift for my mom and dad
Now the Christmas trees (yes, we have several) are all down and the decorations put away safely to patiently wait until next December. Our house now looks rather barren as I tend to go a bit overboard on Christmas-fying the house. You might mistake it for the North Pole if you didn't know better. (Yes, I'm in Canada, but I'm not that far north!). 

I'm gradually easing into 2014 and you can look forward to more video tutorials and patterns, but for now I'll leave you with some holiday pictures of Christmas at the Hirst's.

Our side of the front doors
One of our Christmas trees - ready for Christmas morning
My son's collection of Nutcrackers - he receives one each year
The cat has already been "rearranging" these.
I like to change up the decorations on this wall decoration to suit the season
The presents share space with the Christmas robins.
Rudolph guards the Christmas peppermint candle and keeps watch over the presents.
Some of my daughter's snowglobes.

The main Nativity scene - a present from my in-laws one Christmas. We have several in the house.
The angels and trees are also all presents, as is the manger.

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