Have you ever considered writing a book? Maybe you would like to assemble family photos or perhaps a collection of your children's stories. You may even want to write a book with photographs of your quilts to document them. That's a great idea! I should actually do that!
Blurb has a special offer on right now until February 28, 2014 for first purchases made by new customers. You'll receive 15% on your first purchase. This can be one book or twenty (maximum discount if $100.00). Just click here to take advantage of this special offer.
If you haven't used Blurb before, it's very easy. You create your book using one of the many templates available, download it to Blurb and your book is created. You are in control (I always like that!) and can view your book before publishing it with Blurb.
We've created several books using Blurb - one was a collection of my daughter's stories and I was thrilled with the quality and price of the final product.
If you're looking for book ideas, check out this video by Canadian Blurb author, Kal Barteski. She’s a working designer, painter, storyteller, book creator, TEDx speaker, and calligrapher who can now add “video star” to her resumé with the first of the Canadian book-maker profiles.
Her enthusiasm for her art is infectious and I'm sure she'll inspire you to make your own book with Blurb - and save money too!
**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.
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