
Thursday, May 8, 2014

You Can Never Have Enough Fabric, Can You? Part 2

Hi everyone:

If you haven't read my last blogpost, you might want to do so before you read on…

So there I was with my bags stuffed full of fabric, buttons and trims and there were still more rooms and items to look at buy

While I wasn't really interested in the yarn - and there were balls and balls of it - I did think it would be worth my while to check out the specialty fabric room. Surprisingly enough, I found a few items that I had to add to my purchases. 
Wooly fabric - perfect for a sheep applique or stuffie
Love the colours in this oriental brocade 
The reverse side is just as beautiful
And there were also quilt stencils, and I picked up a few of these too. I can definitely justify these purchases as I only have two quilt stencils in my studio. Now I have a few more.
Quilt stencils to add to my studio 
I had to pick up just a few more stencils
I had finished the main floor shopping - well, I did go back to the button room to grab a few more bags of buttons - and it was time to go upstairs to the books and patterns area. I couldn't miss out on the books at this sale as they were two for $1.00. 

Such a deal! The only problem was  that it was difficult to get near the quilt books and then I had to  remember if I already had these books in my library! 

With over 400 books in my craft library, I sometimes forget if I own a book. In any event, for the price it didn't really matter if I did buy a duplicate book, which I didn't.
BOM patterns from Indygo Junction
I also picked up a few patterns and a magazine. This issue of Sew Somerset is a few years old, however there are lots of creative sparks in it.
Lots of design inspiration in this issue
By now my bags were full, my arms were sore and I still had to carry everything down the stairs and several blocks to my car. Thankfully, my quilting friend helped me carry my purchases out as I'm not sure that I could've made it on my own. Then it was home and time to sort everything out and put it away. And get the cat's approval.
Teeka approved
And it's snuggly too

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