
Monday, June 23, 2014

End of School and an Exciting New Beginning with

Hi everyone:
June showers bring these flowers for Calgary
I hope you're enjoying a warm spring-almost-summer in your part of the world. Here in Calgary, we're enjoying our typical June weather - warm one day and pouring rain the next. June is our rainiest month and also the most anticipated month for students as the end of this month is also the end of school for most of them. I am also eagerly looking forward to June 27 as I will then be off work for two months until school starts again in September. I'm especially looking forward to this break this year as I have a long list of things to accomplish this summer. 
Sitting on the beach isn't on my summer list!
You may not have seen new patterns from me for awhile and there is a reason for this: I've been working on videos. And not just Youtube videos either. I've been keeping tight-lipped about a recent video opportunity and can now finally tell you about it! I'm thrilled to let you know that I'm now a teacher at and already have three lessons available for your viewing on their website. You can find my lessons under Chatterbox Quilts.

If you're not familiar with, you must visit them. They offer lessons on a variety of subjects from cooking to crafts to quilting. They offer individual lessons or complete courses, much like iTunes, where you can purchase a song or a complete album. This model allows you to pick and choose what you would like to learn. Once you purchase a class, you have access to it 24/7/365 forever, so its available whenever you wish to view it.

Registration with is quick and free and allows you to purchase the classes that interest you the most. My favourite part of is the communication between the teacher and students and the ability to post your projects for other students to see. I forgot one important part: many of the lessons are FREE. 

My first three lessons focus on fusible web appliqué and the best part is that they are FREE! (Are you noticing a theme here?) If you're interested in learning about this type of appliqué, these videos will give you helpful tips on the technique. And this is just the beginning! You can look forward to more videos on fusible web appliqué soon. 

Register at so you can choose your lessons right away. Check out my channel and let me know what you'd like to see covered in upcoming videos. My current focus is on fusible web appliqué, but any other suggestions would be appreciated. 

And don't forget to tell your friends!

P.S. Look forward to some new patterns too - when I'm done filming.

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