
Friday, June 27, 2014

Festival of Quilts

Hi everyone:

I've been so busy working on end-of-the-school-year things that I forgot to show you some of the quilts at the recent Festival of Quilts at Heritage Park in Calgary. Can you believe that work and kids' stuff actually made me neglect to post quilt photos? I know, it's hard to believe, but sometimes real life interferes with my dream occupation (quilting, that is).
One of the exhibits that I found interesting were by our local long-arm quilters in the Calgary Longarm Quilters Group. One pattern, Avignon Picnic by Andrea Harris of Urban Quiltworks, was selected and each long-armer chose their own fabric and quilt motifs to complete it. It's a great pattern, available FREE at Moda Bakeshop, and it was really interesting to see the different interpretations. And the quilting! Lots of great inspiration for quilt designs in these quilts.

Avignon Picnic by Andrea Harris
Detail of Avignon Picnic by Andrea Harris
Hodgepodge by Nancy Basserman
Picnic Critters by Bev Rinehart
Just a note: the dark specks you see on these quilts are not a camera (or in my case, iPhone) malfunction - these are mosquitoes, which really seemed to enjoy the quilts too!

There were lots of other wonderful quilts in the park that day. Thankfully the weather cooperated so the majority of the quilts were on display outside, where I really think they shine. Here are a few more examples of quilty deliciousness.
Salt Air Stripes by Joanne Middleton
Rug by Jennifer Peirson

Mirror Lake by Margaret Jessop
Anna & Popeye by Margaret Jessop
Remember the Time by Joleen Schneider
Pumphouse Pinwheels by Wayne Kollinger

Hope you enjoyed this glimpse of the amazing quilts on display at Heritage Park for this year's Festival of Quilts. If you entered quilts for display, thank you - I enjoyed each and every one!

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