I know that most of you could use a helper in your quilt studio - someone to give you fabric suggestions, positive comments on your designs and maybe even do a little typing, if you're a blogger. I'm fortunate to have someone in my house who fulfills all these requirements and doesn't even cost me a penny to do it. No, I'm not talking about my husband, nor my children. I'm talking about Teeka, my quilting cat.
Teeka is always willing to come down to my quilt studio and check out what's going on. She'll even get right up close to my quilt projects and let me know if she approves of my design and fabric choices.
In these photos you can see Teeka "commenting" on my latest GO! project. I think she approves!
In addition, she's only too happy to do a bit of typing for me when the need arises.
Do you have a "helper" in your studio? I'd love to hear all about him or her.
If you don't and you're looking for a little extra help, Teeka is available at reasonable rates.